Chris Thornberg: Overheating: $11T of Gov Spend Created an Asset Bubble & Massive Uncertainty
Dr. Thornberg is an uncommon economist. Chris is as much at home with philosophy as the nuts-and-bolts of economics and forecasting. As the Founder of Beacon Economics, Chris is not only one of the few, like Hank Paulson, who called the collapse of the housing market, but also one of the few economists who can call it like it is, and share beliefs rooted in facts rather than opinion.
Jon Lotter: It’s About the Kids – How Success and Fulfilment in the Real Estate Business is a Blessing for My Children.
We welcome Jon Lotter, founder and Managing Director of Appian Capital, a boutique investment manager that has invested in over 140 transactions deploying over $400MM of equity in $2.2B of real estate value.